Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Baru Nyoba

Karna baru nyoba dan bener "Buta" tentang blog ini kl ada yg mo bantuin dan kasih saran,saya dengan senang hati menerimanya

About Me

My photo
Fasten your seatbelt please..thank you,Here we Goo...Hi Guys..!!How are u?i hope always well AMeN..a little about me guys...i was born in bukittinggi,at 23 nov:D,ever since my baby is always there, until I complete the general secondary school and and now I reside in the city of Bandung,in order to complete the course,I love music, either play it or hear it,I was a drummer, and until now have existed in the case at this beat,I do not know why really like playing drums, it may be because I can be myself when i'm playing the drum set..and maybe because i'm a shy guy..xixixixii..,I think this talent I got from my father, he used be a bass player in his mom said that to me..haha..but of course this talent that I have i've received from the infinite power,ok folks..thats all..I think that its,if too long, you are also lazy to read it..:D,enjoyed my Blog!!